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Friday, December 30, 2005

Pubs in England

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Blogger CORINNE D, GRAEHAME said...

On Saturday March 3. 2007, I became the victim of a bullying mob of adults at my local pub. THE OXFORD at Highbury Vale, Nottingham.

I went in there with my friend Elsie who is 77 years old and we went for a meal and spent a good couple of hours talking as I had just come back from a wonderful holiday in California and also from a West End show that I went to see. Elsie and I have been friends for almost 24 years and often frequent this pub for lunch and a chat. It has never been a particular friendly establishment with the barmaids always so sullen and miserable; the sort that only play up to men and if they aren’t paid attention by them, they sulk.

On Saturday I did nothing wrong at all. A group of men stood at the bar and as I was leaving in my electric mobility scooter, they decided to pick on myself and Elsie. The chief mob leader called me an “Fucking Fat Ugly Bitch” several times and gradually all the pub joined in - kids and wives included - in calling me names, for no reason whatsoever. Two of the mob tried to lift my scooter smashing it down and breaking the front light whilst I was on it. My back hurts now because of this. They also pushed Elsie.

The Landlord did absolutely nothing and encouraged the mob. The whole pub was bullying us. There were over 10 young kids in there and their parents were the ones who were bullying us and swearing at us. Their kids were laughing and kept following us up and down the pub. The Landlord, again, did nothing to help us.

Elsie and I did absolutely nothing wrong and now I am incredibly upset and feel as if my heart is broken. I liken the incident to the Klu Klux Klan. These people would have killed me had they been minded to. It was just like that. An angry mob, the difference being that I am disabled. I am different and thank God everyday that I am not the same as those adult yobs who bullied me and my friend.

I am a published writer, songwriter and actress and have had some great times in my life and enjoy my life. I am from London and these no brained-yobs know nothing about me. They’ve seen me on TV and think that is the real me. That’s how simple Nottingham people are - unable to tell television from reality. For the last 12 months, I have the number one song on the download chart
newmusic/region3.html called AS LONG AS IT TAKES.

Regarding this incident. the police have done nothing. They responded to a 999 call that I made and 6½ hours later the police turned up, then the Policeman, I found out, is off duty until Thursday, almost a week away from the incident which proves that Nottingham Police are just what people have heard about them…. utterly useless.

Still that’s Nottingham for you. It stinks. Which is why I went on holiday to California and had only been back a day. These people never go anywhere and must have hard me talking about my holiday to Elsie and got jealous. Jealous enough to bully me and hurt my friend. Maybe I ought to go back and wish everyday that I could just walk out of this house and never come back. It doesn’t mean they’ve won, it means I am making a better life for myself.

What happened to Elsie and I was hatred. It was mob rule. We were victims of adult bullying and discrimination and what’s more nobody cares. Not one of those 50 or so adults in THE OXFORD tried to help me or Elsie. Most joined in hurting and insulting us which is just terrible. When I cried, they laughed. The women attached to the bullies were just as bad using foul language towards us and thinking it hilarious. Still downtrodden wives and girlfriends do this don’t they, especially as they feel lumbered by having kids at an early age and now feel unable to improve their sad little lives. I feel sorry for these women as maybe I was the only outlet these women get from their overbearing husbands and partners and screaming lousy kids. Simple uneducated women. Other people joined in the bullying and everyone in that pub was against us and hateful towards us.

My friend and I stayed with each other that night and none of us got any sleep. I didn’t sleep the next day and on the Monday I phoned the Police Licensing and took action as to what I can do against the Landlord of THE OXFORD who showed us no due care and attention and didn’t help us against these bullies and have found out that I can make a complaint re the Landlord Licence under a module called Public Care so that this Landlord is looked at before getting a drinks licence again.

I end by saying that however much these yobs think they can hurt me, ultimately I will always bounce back whereas they will always stay where they are, pouncing on the next victim to stimulate their desires of control. I am strong. I move on, and as the song ses I WILL SURVIVE!

10:29 PM

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3:07 AM


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